おもしろ犬のアトリエ Omoshiroinu's Atelier



コロナワクチン接種義務は必要ないSince I didn't enter the US by plane, my "vaxx-status" didn't matter!

| Now, having left Canada with a teary eye, I continue my journey with a laughing eye to... yes, where actually? Who can tell? | Mit einem weinenden Auge habe ich nun Kanada verlassen, um mit einem lachenden Auge weiterzureisen nach… ja, …

非科学的なCOVIDワクチン義務を廃止しますHR 185 would repeal the unscientific COVID vaccine mandate on legal international.

For three weeks in a row, my bill, HR 185, has been one of the top three viewed on https://t.co/RRKthQ4sV9. It passed the House but the Senate has yet to vote on it. HR 185 would repeal the unscientific COVID vaccine mandate on legal inter…